1st Gup/Red belt-Black stripe:
Minimum of 24 classes
Knowledge and execution of the following techniques:
Stances: Ready (Jhoon-be), Attention (Char-yeot), Bow (Kyung-rae), Horse, Side, Front, Reverse, Trophy-man, Back
Blocks: Low, Outside Middle, Outside Middle (palm out), Inside Middle (Mahki), High, X-block (cross)
Hand: Regular punch, Reverse punch, Double Punch, Triple Punch, Ox Jaw strike, Ridgehand Strike, Knifehand Strike, Tiger Mouth strike, Backfist Strike, Spearhand Strike, Single Sudo, Double Sudo, Jebbi Poom, Thrust Punch, Side Squat Punch, Grab/Pull/Punch
Foot: Front Kick, Back kick, Roundhouse Kick, Step Side Kick, Pivot Side Kick, Scoop Side kick, Turning Back Kick, Spinning Back Kick, Step Heel Kick, Pivot Heel Kick, Turning Heel Kick, Spinning Heel Kick, Inside Crescent Kick, Outside Crescent Kick, Ax Kick, Thrust Kick, Cat Stance w kick, Front Jump kick, Jump Wheel Kick, Roundhouse/Back Heel Kick combo, Inside Crescent/Side Kick w/o touching, Flying Side Kick
Forms:Â Kicho IL (one), Kicho EE (two), Kicho SAM (three), Taeguek IL Jang (one), Taeguek EE Jang (two), Taeguek SAM Jang (three), Taeguek SA Jang (four), Taegeuk O Jang (five), Taeguek Yuk Jang (six), Taeguek Chil Jang (seven), Taeguek Pal Jang (eight)
Timing Drills: 35
Self Defense: 50 (minimum of 5 multiple attack w 2-3 attackers, 5 ground, 3 blind)
Board Breaking: Options-Flying Side Kick or Speed break
Korean Terminology & Taekwondo Tenets: Thorough knowledge of terms & Tenets and written test.
Other: Tournament, Clinics, Training attendance (Minimum of 2 events annually)